Friday 28 September 2012

Week 10 : Combination


After done our troubleshooting for our circuits,now we are going to combine our circuit in this week. The picture below shown our circuit combination process. We hope that our circuit will function as far as possible. Wish me luck!

Connecting life wire to produce the output.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Week 9 : Trobleshooting


According to our Gantt chart, we should doing a troubleshooting in this week. But we cannot done the troubleshooting by this week due to our uncomplete circuit construction. This is because as a student, we have a lot of task and assignment to be completed at the same time. But we will try our best in order to make sure our project progression will be done as planned.

We still able to do the troubleshooting only for the sensor circuit. After the circuit was constructed on the breadboard, we find that the circuit are not function,so I think we need to change the LM35, because in my opinion, LM35 is the one which need to be change because this type of component's are very sensitive.

Friday 7 September 2012

Week 8 : Contruct Construct & Construct!!

Today is the last day of week 8. For this week, my partner and I was starts doing our circuit construction. We need to construct it on the breadboard first in order to make a testing to make sure the circuit will be function smoothly.